Art Galleries - Digital Art - Stage Lighting

"In Vena Cava" photo by Jason Byrne



Sebastian Pizarro is a freelance lighting designer of live performances and immersive installations based in Dublin.

His lighting career began in 2008 through working on a variety of cinema productions in Spain where he discovered a passion for lighting and how it can influence human perception.

After completing a Superior Degree in Production for Television, Cinema and Theatre in 2010 he was awarded a scholarship from the European Foundation that brought him to Ireland.

In Dublin, he started his journey in design working on live performances including theatre, dance, live music and opera.

He is passionate and thorough in every production he is involved.

Sebastian believes that sharing ideas and merging concepts with other creators allows each project to become more than the sum of its parts and that is the way forward in the arts.

With light, it's not only about what we can see, it's about what we can feel


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ph (ireland): +353861234127

ph (spain): +34644808269